"Zefiro Committee"

"The civilization of a country is given by the conditions of its prisons", Voltaire 

Naples, 2023
Naples, 2023

The "Zefiro Committee" was established in London, on 24 January 2023, with separate and autonomous assets.

This constitution was strongly desired by a group of patients, drug addicts and alcoholics prisoners in the Neapolitan "prisons of Poggioreale and Secondigliano" (and drug addicts and alcoholics ex prisoners) and their families to support meritorious action of care and support of such patients carried out in Italy, and in particular in the City of Naples, by Dr. Giuseppe Cefalo who, for several years, has been fighting to detoxify and remove these patients from prison by entrusting them, as an alternative measure to detention, to the main Italian therapeutic Communities in order to give them a second life and "awaken" them.

The main objective of "Zefiro Committee" is to raise awareness among Italian public opinion (and not only) on the expansion of alternative measures to prison for these drug addicted, alcoholic and gambling addict patients and to identify the most effective practices and ways to "awaken" these patients, selecting the best Italian therapeutic Communities by means of the attribution of a specific rating that monitors the effectiveness of the recovery actions of these patients actually implemented.